Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An ECG trace is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

What is an ECG ?

An ECG is a trace of the electrical activity of the heart ?

Why should I have an ECG ?

An ECG is a simple test that records electrical activity from the heart.

The ECG is usually the first test to screen for heart problems and is often requested before operations or as part of a general medical assessment.

The ECG trace shows the heart rhythm and be used to detect heart rhythm problems (Arrhythmias) and can also highlight problems with the heart structure or function.

What happens when i have an ECG ?

You will be asked to relax on a couch. Small stickers called electrodes will be places on your arms, legs and chest and a recording will be taken, this only takes 10 seconds. The trace will then be read by your cardiologist.

When do i get the results ?

If the cardiologist is doing the ECG test for you, you will get the results right away.

Where can i find out more about ECG tests ?

Visit the British Heart Foundation website to find out more.